HomeMoneyThe 3 Steps to Get in Control Your Money in a E-Com Business

The 3 Steps to Get in Control Your Money in a E-Com Business

The foundation of a successful e-com business starts with getting in control of your money.

I know, I’m an accountant, so of course I’d say the numbers are important. I’m sure you’d say:

“I’m too busy to spend time trying to get my head around the boring and confusing numbers. I’ll leave that to my accountant. I’ve got exciting things to do, like drive sales.”

And in part you are right. Leave the boring and complicated stuff to your bookkeeper and accountant. But it is vital that you are across the basic fundamentals.

Numbers are the language of business. They show you what’s working and what’s not. Without having a handle on your key numbers, you’ll be as blind as I am when running your business.

It would be like me trying to drive a car; I would crash, as you would driving with a blindfold on! You don’t want to crash your business, do you?

To help you out, I’ve just shot this quick video that shows what you need to do as an e-com business owner to get in control of your money.

How I Can Help Your E-Com Business

If we’re just meeting, you should know that I’m an accountant with a personality (I know, hard to believe), and I’ve spent a lifetime (yes, I’m getting old) coaching e-com business owners.

I specialise in working one-on-one with e-com business owners to give them the hands-on support to get in control of their money, grow their sales , and to build a team .

When you’re ready, I have two ways to help you with your business:

1. The E-Com Business Group Revenue Program

This 90-day program is designed to give you the key steps you need to implement in your e-com business to boost your revenue, aiming to get you over $30k a month consistently!

CLICK HERE to learn more.

2. The E-Com Business One-On-One Coaching Program

In this program you’ll work directly with me to get in control of your money, drive your growth and build a team to help become a $1m E-Com Store, first per year and then per month.

CLICK HERE to learn more – 

If you’d like to chat about how I could help then please CLICK HERE to book in a call.


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